Sunday, September 13, 2015

Student Council is Up and Running!

Welcome New Student Council Members!
Two weeks ago, many students attended an interest meeting to learn a little bit about what we do in Student Council and what is required of a Student Council member.
What is Student Council?
 The Student Council of Phoenix Collegiate Academy is a leadership club whose members, and especially its officers, exhibit strong, positive role model qualities.  These qualities include showing respect to one’s self and to others, doing one’s best to keep grades up, attending meetings, and participating in club activities. Realizing that maintaining a strong, positive leadership role is important to our peers and school, the following guidelines have been established by the advisor of Student Council.
What does Student Council do?
 We serve our colleagues and classmates by giving them the opportunity to have their voices heard.
 We serve our school by creating and hosting events that will make our culture stronger.
 We serve our community by being role models and looking for ways to give back.
What are the requirements of being in Student Council?
How do we become a Student Council Member?
Students needed to complete a Petition for Membership that included the following three parts:
Students must initial and endeavor to follow the Code of Conduct

Students must write a short essay explaining why they are the best choice to represent their peers.

Finally, students needed at least 20 signatures of peers who felt that they should be included in Student Council.
Becoming a member was certainly competitive, but we have now selected our 18 members--a group that represents grades 5, 6, 7, and 8 with a representative from each homeroom.
Our first meeting was on September 10, 2015. It was a great time getting to know each other and the myriad strengths we bring to this year's StuCo group!
Introductions all around
Student Council Quilt
Our next meeting will be on September 17; keep checking on our blog to see upcoming events and projects!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Do you think that we will have permission? Because i hope we do. i really want to do the bake sale.

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  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I think a bake sale is totally doable, we just need to figure out the details and legality of it. I will find all that out and let you know at our next meeting!
    For now, I think that the ideas we have are really exciting and they are in the process of getting approved!
